Thursday, March 30, 2006
haha.. i think i better post BEFORE tml.. coz tml comfirm gonna post a very long post if i dont post now.. so i will cut short of tml story.. haaha..
have it been a great wk for u guys? wells.. for me.. NO.. monday zhong scolding.. tuesday zhong scolding wednesday zhong scolding thursday zhong scolding.. OH MY F-ING GOSH LOR.. & ya.. i have been nick-named terroriser.. tts d best of all.. JKJK! haha... i made 2 new friends too??? hahahaahahaahah...

monday: like i said.. i zhong scolding.. from Ms tan dont know what dont know what... aiya.. home econ teacher enuff le lah.. stinking teacher.. haha.. as far as i cud rmb.. it was erm.. RAINING in d morning predicted by SOMEONE.. darn it.. haha...we made Ms Ong[geography teacher] SMILED=) just by:
Ms Ong:"Thank YOu Class."
Class:stands.. keep quiet]
Ms Ong still talking to some pupils..
Ms Ong stop talking to some pupils..
Ms Ong:"hello?.. thank you class"
Class:"thank you ms ong.."
ms ong.. *LAUGHS*
& tts hw she laughs.. she must b thinking how funny it was when we were so BLUR...
Tuesday:zhong scolding from dont know who again lah.. sigh! haha.. so dao mei.. had band.
DRILLS AGAIN.. k.. I HATE DRILLS.. nonono.. i mean i "LOVE" drills so much tt i can die!.. haha..
oh ya.. fyi, im d weakest in French Horn.. haha.. is it a good or bad thing?? than Mr Yeoh didnt come..
Mr Shane Kwok took over.. overall.. he's kindda nice lah.. haha.. he PRAISED us.. wow.. we HARDLY got praise by a teacher which totally dont know us.. hahaa.. ya.. he changelled us to 2 tings.. which i forgot.. shhhs.. dont tell him.. ya.. he totally dont know d true side of 1C.. haha
Wednesday: had Art 1st period.. 1st time did i in.. 3 MTHS did i enjoy d art lessons.. haha..
ya.. & history.. Mrs Mcgrath WaS NOT HERE.. cheeros! made alot of noises for d new teacher.
she was rather fed up lah.. but she nice.. she gave us clues.. but in d end she complain to my teacher this & tt.. also kana scolded.. haha.. i shall not mention what happen in d morning.. only SOME ppl know.. haha.. it was.. erm.. terrible/good? i went BOWLING O_O.. since i ever started bowling.. MY WORST SCORE WAS THAT PARTICULAR WEDNESDAY! 35O_O... usually get more than tt lor.. but i guess im rather dao mei on tt day.. haha.. & huilin was rather LUCKY on tt day.. & i found out trishal was les..
thurs: lets see.. tt will b today.. haha.. had MuSIC.. MUSIC RAWK LA.. esp when we play something cool. . haha.. than we also had chinese.. wo gang gang pass wo de ting xie.. teacher mark on d spot coz she wanna see who failed.. got a trashing scolding.. haah.. but than im still happy tt i pass if not RE-TEST.. wells.. its like as if i nvr had a re-test in ting xie b4.. haha.. P6 i always zhong re test of ting xie lor.. haha.. than had Literature..
Mr Wee.. became our "MOTHER" as he was sitting on joleen sit[fyi.. joleen is my "mother" & she was absent today=(] ya so like.. d "children"[consisting of.. Jingyi,Jeremy,Clarissa & I] was like.. OMG.. "daddy"[Vanessa] had a new affair.. & Mr Wee heard bout it & said.. "I dont want to sit on this seat anymore" man.. hilarious seh.. haha.. & Mr Wee kept giving mommy homework to daddy.. always say"keep this for ur wife" haha.. i think he's d 1st teacher to find out bout our 1C family.. hahaha.. Maths.. we played a game.. & its concerning Algebra.. haha.. & its invovle music O_O.. & our music sarks!O_O.. haha.. so 1 - clap 2-snap 3-tap d table ONCE.. 4-stomp ur foot ONCE 5- silence.. so.. ms tan went etc etc la.. than got 1 part where ms tan went.. 5[silence].. than 4[stomp foot] then @ ttt part where we suppose to stomp our food.. we were like.. not stomping our foot.. than 20s later.. we stomp our foot & ms tan was like laughing lor.. than we laugh.. reaction slow lah we all.. haha..

wells.. see how much i taken up aft a 4days? imagine tml.. where i have LOTAS activity on O_O..
Impression 8 & more! hahaha.. k..

oh ya.. terrorisers.. haha.. my 2 mei-nu terrorisers.. haha.. try to guess who r they! hehe.. they r OLDER too =).. but VERY FRIENDLY.. mess with them.. *bang* u r dead coz they r terrorisers..


Friday, March 24, 2006

new post new post.. hahah...
Monday: back to sch... haha.. Fiona jie went up to say the announcements... so cute when she go up.. she look nervous.. oooh.. haha... ya.. our form teacher was proud of us.. we all wear our tie.. & the attendence was perfect =)... so sad.. this time no orientation wk though its the 1st wk of sch =(.. hahaha.. i miss orientation wk.. TERRIBLY MISSING IT.. haha..than we hand up homework.. & i almost fall asleep in class... IM SO LOVING GEOGRAPHY! haaha...
Tuesday: had spelling bee competition.. =).. Vanessa went up.. she did a great job though she didnt make thru the 2nd round... but she was FORCE to go up + she din study.. so its ok.. hha.. she did our class proud though.. hah...
WEdnesday:very nice jie jie fiona lend me her drawnig pencils making her miss her announcements.. =) Had Band.. after some practices of our playing.. WE DID DRILLS! DRILLS! MY GOSH! 1ST TIME!! tiring!! haha.. not hot coz we did it under D&T void deck... haha.. aah.. they make us stand like a flamingo.. 90 degree off the ground.. boohoohoo.. haha.. than went SHOPPING! I JUST LOVE SHOPPING!! any1 care to go next time?? we will go together haha...
Thrusday: hmm.. I HEARD BAD NEWS! HEAD OF COUNCIL WENT TO CHANGE THE COUNCILLORS DUTIES! tt means.. Fiona aint my class councillor anymore.. =( SO BAD!!! i got Julianne as councillor.. not so bad lah.. @ least not boy lah!! boy so boring.. gal more out-going tts y i gt Fiona as my jie =) haha..
Friday: had homeroom means had results slip back.. i fail 1 only.. haha.. saddist.. haha.. failed by 4 pathetic marks.. haha.. no chapel period today[i cant seem to get it why people misses chapel period.. my brother will be over happy if he hears this. HAHA..jkjk].. haha..

wells.. this term.. target:@ least to pass all my exams with B3 or perharps A2.. hahaha.. if possible lah!
this term.. i btr buck up seh! i failed 1 subject very ke lian leh! summore its a subject which i have been studying for like DONKEY YEARS! sigh... but im proud for my maths =) did good=).. haha.. this term .. this term! is gonna be a fast term.. + STRESS! the way the teachers say how many wks is Mid-Year.. its terribly scary! haha.. i scare to fail nia.. haha... wells... haiz! yes yes! i must remind u this!!! even though u fail ur CA1! dont jump down!!!!! tiao lou zhi sha! DONT DO THAT OK?! i know SOMEONE who wanted to dat.. haa.. just work harder!! k.. im giving advices now.. learn from those who used to give advices.. but ya.. dont forget to study hard! play hard!

oh.. i btr say thi b4 i forgot.. my bro told me that the chapel band is gonna do something in.. erm.. April? ya.. haha.. he wants u ppl to join.. do join ok?? & look how fast i got infomation..haha.. but i not sure its comfirm.. coz i didnt really hear it properly.. haha..

its sucha hot day.. sweating though its @ nite.. ahhs!

sighing off


Friday, March 17, 2006

yay! its friday.. im happy tt its end of holidays but also not happy its end of holidays.. hmm..
monday: stayed @ home.. manage to complete some work lah.. haha
tuesday: go for band workshop which was @ ACS[I] lor.. so far.. took @ least 1hr to get there de lor!!! summore d uncle take a long way! the workshop was ok.. fun.. not bad cause @ least i was talking when the instructor was teaching others.. i MADE SO MANY MISTAKES tt my section leader[she went too] threaten me tt when we go back to sch.. she make me do pumpings.. haha.. i gt some mistakes she didnt see.. but Sini & Tengli saw.. luckily they didnt tell my section leader.. haha.. phew! hah.. overall.. ok ok! haha.. we even tell Mrs Oh to let the next yr sec1 batch to go for the workshop.. coz we want them to experience the BORENESS we had suffered.. wells.. its was boring too.. haha.. what bad ppl r we.. somemore all very enthu say YES lor.. haha.. sat beside Jo-Ann.. wah lau.. she very crazy.. other than tt.. pity Samuel.. kana surrounded by gals! haha.. always sitting beside a councillor! haha..
Wednesday: went out with Avryl to Tampines Mall to take neoprints haha.. wish i cud put it up here BUT im not using the computer tt have the scanner =( so sad.. nvm .. there will always be a TML.. TML TML... there always be a TML.. TML TML!! haha.. yup than went home on computer PLAY! haha..
Thursday: stayed @ home.. tried to finish my homework.. but i CANT! i CANT though i took 2hrs jus to wrapped up my book + drawing some comics which im stuck on the 1st one =( & now im still stuck @ the 1st one... haiz.. any1 care to draw for mee?? im rather sad bout it ok...
Friday: really tried to finish my hw.. but i cant again.. i took no efforts to do it.. sigh! haha.. then i guai guai do my maths tuition hw... but leave bout 3blanks coz i obviously dont know how to do it! haha! than went for tuition & my tutor didnt show up coz he still in sch.. wells.. nvm bout tt coz for his age.. schedule are tight.... haha..

tml must must must must complete EVERY SINGLE OF MY HOMEWORK..before i touch my darling computer.. haha!!! ppl must remind me... sigh..
yay! my fave old class 6/1 gt new blog already!! haha.. so happy.. so over whelming.. its @
www.six-one-oh-five.blogspot.com... feel free to visit it!!!
off to talk on msn..HAHAH!!!
bye bye <3
Carissa Lee


yay! its friday.. im happy tt its end of holidays but also not happy its end of holidays.. hmm..
monday: stayed @ home.. manage to complete some work lah.. haha
tuesday: go for band workshop which was @ ACS[I] lor.. so far.. took @ least 1hr to get there de lor!!! summore d uncle take a long way! the workshop was ok.. fun.. not bad cause @ least i was talking when the instructor was teaching others.. i MADE SO MANY MISTAKES tt my section leader[she went too] threaten me tt when we go back to sch.. she make me do pumpings.. haha.. i gt some mistakes she didnt see.. but Sini & Tengli saw.. luckily they didnt tell my section leader.. haha.. phew! hah.. overall.. ok ok! haha.. we even tell Mrs Oh to let the next yr sec1 batch to go for the workshop.. coz we want them to experience the BORENESS we had suffered.. wells.. its was boring too.. haha.. what bad ppl r we.. somemore all very enthu say YES lor.. haha.. sat beside Jo-Ann.. wah lau.. she very crazy.. other than tt.. pity Samuel.. kana surrounded by gals! haha.. always sitting beside a councillor! haha..
Wednesday: went out with Avryl to Tampines Mall to take neoprints haha.. wish i cud put it up here BUT im not using the computer tt have the scanner =( so sad.. nvm .. there will always be a TML.. TML TML... there always be a TML.. TML TML!! haha.. yup than went home on computer PLAY! haha..
Thursday: stayed @ home.. tried to finish my homework.. but i CANT! i CANT though i took 2hrs jus to wrapped up my book + drawing some comics which im stuck on the 1st one =( & now im still stuck @ the 1st one... haiz.. any1 care to draw for mee?? im rather sad bout it ok...
Friday: really tried to finish my hw.. but i cant again.. i took no efforts to do it.. sigh! haha.. then i guai guai do my maths tuition hw... but leave bout 3blanks coz i obviously dont know how to do it! haha! than went for tuition & my tutor didnt show up coz he still in sch.. wells.. nvm bout tt coz for his age.. schedule are tight.... haha..

tml must must must must complete EVERY SINGLE OF MY HOMEWORK..before i touch my darling computer.. haha!!! ppl must remind me... sigh..
yay! my fave old class 6/1 gt new blog already!! haha.. so happy.. so over whelming.. its @
www.six-one-oh-five.blogspot.com... feel free to visit it!!!
off to talk on msn..HAHAH!!!
bye bye <3
Carissa Lee


Friday, March 10, 2006

woohoo! ya.. new skin.. im a great fan of BABY slyvester!Image hosting by Photobucket
hmm.. monday: wear tie.. tie so short =( had my geography & Literature test back.. pass Geography but FAIL litertature.. also had my chinese test back i think.. i failed..
tuesday: have lifeskill.. stupid danvin say whole class didnt bring the lifeskill bk when so many ppl brought!! urgh! had my english paper back.. PASSED! yay!
wednesday: had my history test back.. passed=) had band.. band suppose to practice our twinkle twinkle little stars song.. in the end most of the sec1s slack AS we finish the song.. practicing i mean.. ya.. we suppose to play captain ball aft practice but Mrs Oh didnt have the key & she cnt find the teacher.. we were release off early as the seniors are practicing for their impression8! yes! i cnt wait seh. sitting beside Clarissa... haha... anyway.. i cnt play the twinkle twinkle little stars..
thursday: gt back my maths result.. PASS! A1! yes! finally pass with gd results coz the paper was easy peasy.. haha...
friday: gt back sci paper.. fail la.. hahahahahhaha.. no chapel.. yay! no more councillors touching my shoulder.. bad luck..

mm.. nvr look down on NA pupils as they can do btr than u.. see how many ppl pass maths?! is like so much more than Express.. woohoo! haha.. not boasting.. lol..

gtg bye bye...


Sunday, March 05, 2006

ahhs.. people.. help... im having a bad stomach.. for the past half an hr.. i been running up & down my hse just to go to the toilet.. urgh.. this is irritating.. its like i run up 16 steps.. run down 16steps.. 32x3=96 steps!!! my stomachache is unbearable.. tortorous.. painful.. ouch... ahhhs.. i think i really need to get some slp.. pity me ppl.. hahaa.. sighh..


Saturday, March 04, 2006

k.. new post.. my life is.. simple.. original! haha.. kaez..
monday: wells.. nth much happen.. ya.. nth much.. haha
tuesday: tuesday tuesday..ya we had assembly.. guess what! councillors are our fwenz haha.. then ah.. we can nominate our fwenz to become councillor.. hmmm...
wednesday: hmm.. i had COMMON TEST[as u ppl know] boo hoo hooooo... k.. i didnt had band.. huraay as i didnt have to stay back LATE.. haha.. k.. erm.. yup.. then we saw the councillors having meeting.. unfortunately, wo bei zhuai... by my JIE.. my "beloved" jie.. haha.. ya.. ask her to prononce Ebenezer.. prononce till so "nice" haha.. ya... then Sean zhong stay back by Ms TAn.. k.. unfortunately, he came out the same time as when the councillors finish their small meeting.. haha.. then jie go pinch his cheeks.. i think this time both cheeks.. ya.. i heard 1.. ha.. k.. then went home..
after studying @ home.. i went online.. then my jie ask me for my baby photo.. haha.. i took 1 without permission.. who cares.. IT MINE.. hahahahahahah.. i like this font seh.. aha...
Thursday: gave her the pic.. ya.. k.. common test again.. wells.. nt really tt hard..
Friday: aiya.. common test.. maths so easy science so difficult.. what the the the? haha.. k.. thenn chapel period.. why everytime sing TEll The World.. super sian leh.. complain-ed to my bro.. haha.. he say no time practice.. well.. this wk ya.. as common test... haha... then i wont tell u the rest already.. too tired.. fingers too tired already.. aching like hell.. hahahhahahahaha.. k..


celebrate.. but work HARD as the next exam approach.. yup.. if u have done ur worse in this common test.. do ur best in the next test... wells.. ur results are coming out.. PRAY hard hard tt.. u pass pass.. esp those who want to become councillor.. haha.. im sure nt many want to be.. as u really have to be devoted to the job..
signing off : Carissa Lee


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-Carissa Lee ShuXIan*
band:french horn<3
the playful councillor=)
baby #3!

Image; Getty Images, Google
Brushes; Various
Designer; Kimberly


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