Saturday, February 25, 2006
yayness... a new blogskin.. i know the song i put b4.. hahah.. k.. i decided nt to use jukebox for this skin coz it will b @ a funny funny place.. lol.. k.. & i know i nvr post la.. ahha.. k i post nw..
Monday: usual!.. haha
tuesday: cross country.. so tired.. i dont like. .hope next yr a bit sick then dont need to run! haha.. then went out to take neoprints! very long nvr do... haizz.. my scanner siao ting tong 1.. boo hoo hoo.. if nt scan then put here.. haha
Wednesday: band! yes.. i just realise i cnt blow the notes for my instrument.. FRENCH HORN.. ahhhhhs! im gonna be dead dead dead.. i only can blow from C-F lor! while the others can play to C- High C.. im so jealous.. haha..
Thursday: Learning Journey.. went to Sentosa! haha.. k. nt really fun.. i only like the images of Singapore.. the movie too.. hah.. & 1 place where we can see the traditions of races.. we took class pic out the museum.. i hope i get my hands on it.. muahahah.. just kidding... oh.. then i went bowling.. phew weet.. then me & my fwenz make a deal tt we go bowling every thurs ! yay
Friday: hmmm...... i went to Jeshere hse to do project. .well.. tts all
Sat: went to sch for band dont know what.. but gt activities.. we played station games. & we were the last grp to finish all! XD.. the games was fun.. k.. tts all bout this wk.. wells.. i haf nth more to say XD.. bb


Sunday, February 19, 2006

yayness.. i watch im not stupid too with my family XD.. very nice & touching show..
but i aint seeing any suai-ness in Shawn lee or Joshua Ang.. they look normal.. in the show, they really haf this very strong friendship where they help out each other.. wells.. Joshua ang.. he really haf the pyk-kia look lor.. p.s: he's a christian fyi.. he can really act seh.. some christians gt the gangster looks but no they are nt gangster.. back to the topic.. Shawn Lee. .hmm.. k la.. he's quite a blogger like SOME of us here including ME.. wells.. i really believe tt blogging shows most of ur feelings.. but nvr let ur parents come across ur blog.. wells for me.. perharps i say too much vulgar here lah when im nt suppose.. hahahahah.. :p.. Shawn lee really let those adults show tt blogging RAWK!.. haha.. then Ashley Leong.. the Jerry i think.. ya.. he's obviously spoiling SHPS sch uniform image by nt buttoning up the 1st button.. totally spoil the image.. wells.. the gal he kiss is quite obvious tt she's from SHPS clarice tan.. diaoz.. who dont know.. see her b4... but if they really kana kiss in real life.. damn pai seh lor.. wells.. too bad.. hahahahahaha... haiz.. the touching parts are really touching seh.. but i didnt cry la.. cnt cry.. haha.. feel like crying but nvr cry.. aiyar.. tts all la.. c ya <3
yayness.. i perharps watching it on Thurs with Amanda ong jie again! XD.. its a must catch!

wow.. i wrote so much for a nice show seh


Friday, February 17, 2006

hey.. new post! haha..this wk is a very short wk.. something like a very short wk la.. i skip Monday & Tuesday kaez? Wednesday: Had band.. sigh.. its okay okay la.. but tere was a problem with it.. erm.. wil skip the problem.. Thursday: wow! all the teachers so gdd! haha.. Friday: nth much happen.. just usual things yea?

k.. sometimes i really wondered whats is wrong with my seniors... they seem to like.. b very great!.. like.. im older than U .. so U must listen to ME.. & RESPECT ME! its like.. why must i show respect to U when U dont show respect to ME?! what this?! thank God some seniors know what is u respect me, i respect u... thank God.. but too bad some dont.. what ish the world coming to? my teachers even know how to respect us.. then we respect them..

lalala.. i gt jies & mei & dis & kors le =).. but i have more jies & kors.. so many ppl teng wo le ! haha.. there's some ppl out there calling my sotong jie sotong jie when she's nt their sotong jie.. hmpf! i so "jealous".. jealousy kills me.. hahahahaa! i love 2 jies & 1 mei & 1 di the most.. im aint pian xin.. who ask them treat me so good.. :p.. oh ya.. sotong jie say she prefers being called Chilli padi.. hmmm.... hmm.. or does she sound btr as Ms Sotong? or crazy woman? hmm..


Friday, February 10, 2006

k.. today is gonna b a very short post k? since the previous 1 is very long.. k.. only bout 2dae.. today the teachers went mad.. al in a bad mood.. =( we kana lock outside the classroom as our vc 4gtten to bring the keys out.. we zhong scolding for almost every lessons.. poor us.. we stayed back.. tts all. bye bye >.<


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hildans Oie!.. Hildan Oie! HIldan Hildans?!.. eeeee! no reply de.. crazy me.. anyway... lets talk bout camp... haha hoho hehe.. k.. "checked" in bout 9am..then they grp us according to class gals/boys. yup.. then we went to our bunk.. no beds.. hahahahaha..er shared bunk with 1A k.. tthen we changed into our track pants..then went back to the MPH[multi-purpose hall] for them to introduce our councillor & instructor to us! i was in grp 3 =).. haha.. my councillor i/c of my grp was... *drum rolls**chiang!*... RACHEL TAN!.. wow.. hahahahaha.. then our instructor was... drum rolls plz.. & this time more ok? haha.. *drum rolls**drum rolls* *chiang!* MONICA!.. fyi, u wont know her unless u are in Grp3.. haha. then aft introducing everyone councillor/instructor, we went for lunch.. yayness!haha.. lunch was nice.. haa... & we rested for awhile then we did ROCK CLIMBING.. HURAAY!.. haha.. alot of people tried their hardest to touch the top but then its only Jesehere who reached the top.. YAYNESS again.. haha.. not everybody get to do the rock climbing kaez? .. haha.. then we went to drink water.. then went to Apeseling.. some kind of climbing down stuff.. haha.. but this time i didnt get to do it cause there wasnt enuff time.. we had our own original encourage cheer with actions.. no copyright ok? later than tell u.. oh ya.. during lunch, came along *drum rolls* *chiang!* LALA aka Camelia..something liddat.. dont know how to spell her name or know her name cause she said we can called her lala.. haha.. but it shud b camelia.. heard the councillors.. k.. after the apeseling.. we did FLYING FOX! yayness! haha.. i got to do it.. & it was fuyou.. haha... fuyou means POWER.. k? haha.. flying fox was fun fun fun funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun..
after we did the flying fox.. it was dinner time i guess.. haha.. i dont know la.. k.. then we went to the MPH to learn songs, do cheers & have talk by Mrs Jane See again.. sigghhhh.. core values again! haha.. then we did a skit.. haha.. dont know how to spell .. k.. then we learn a song that we like so much.. it call the BUMBLE BEE SONG.. later i write out the lyrics haha.. then we did our reflections & pumpings as we were notty.. then lights off.. though it lights off.. we made alot of noise.. from 12-3am.. then councillors visited us 3 times to our bunk, threathen to make us do pumping & asking us to shuddup.. haha.. & they call us da dan as our bunk is just right beside the gals councillor bunk.. the gals are much fiercer than the boys councillor u know? haha.. then we kana scolding lor.... next day.. morning.. Sini went to tell me Clarissa, Trishal dont know what thing.. WHAT THE HELL LOR! WHY MUST TRISHAL & CLARISSA ASKED SINI WHY SHE COMPLAIN TO RACHEL & CAUSES US TO DO PUMPING??? just accept the fact la.. [ltr i tell u the number of pumpings we did].. i learn my mistake already.. & thanks to Clarissa & Trishal.. i gt this.. what this?!Sini & Rachel told us we got to do 50 pumpings.. both 1A & 1C gals as we were noisy.. fyi, Sini is 1A councillor & they have the right to pump us.. =(.. 50 pumpings! & 1A didnt increase @ all as they fellow mates were using HANDPHONE.. what this?!! haa.. then later we went to do problem solving where we work as a team.. well.. the 1st try out was difficult but we manage to work thru teamwork.. 2nd try out was easy.. cause we had TEAMWORK.. haah.. then later on.. we went to play MUD! eee.. ahh.. haha.. mud was stinko! hahaz.. but i was covered with lotas mud.. yucks! i omost lost my shoes.. hha.. cause i cannot walk! haha.. very difficult.. hmm then later we had to wash up in the sea.. the mud stain on my shoes cud not get off.. poor shoes... then later had lunch but we sat outside the canteen as we were wet & dirty.. after that.. we went to do KAYATING.. oh le le oh la la..haha.. me & candy almost went off part of the part we had to go kayating.. haha.. after that we changed to dried clothes.. we did CRC.. haha.. we saboed XiuYin aka vice head of cca council to cross one part of the CRC.. she was sooo scared lor.. we were half cheering & half laughing.. she was really trembling.. haha.. when she come down, she said the 3rd-4th rope is her home.. 1st-2nd not her home.. haha.. so farni.. our instructors also went to tried.. . WAY TO GO INSTRUTORS & XIUYIN.. haha.. they were scared.. hahaha.. after that.. we went to do teamwork stuff again.. yayness.. we kept improving.. haha.. then after that was dinner.. we did cooking for our dinner.. Pasta.. as there wasnt enuff food.. so i get a little share.. anyway nvm.. cause i wasnt hungry.. then later we had campfire.. huraay! we did cheers & songs. .we sing & cheer till sorethroat for some ppl like ME! haha.. k.. then the next day we woke up late late late.. 6am.. then dilly dally till 6.10am.. when we have to gather @ 6.20am.. haha.. then we had morning assembly.. morning exercise..was "great".. 1A & 1B kept walking till councillors threathen.. they everytime threathen de.. k.. then aft that.. we had breakfast then went to pack our stuff.. then went to the carpark.. to wait for the buses etc.. then we cleaned the canteen with 1d aft cleaning we did some songs & cheers.. then we went home.. i missed the camp already lor.. so fast..pathetic me.. haha..
THE END.. hahaa

k the the bumble bee song: *bbzzz**smack* i.. caught a little baby bumble bee[x2]mummy mummy come & see.. i caught a little baby bumble bee.. ouch.. i got stung.. i smash the little baby bumble bee[x2] mummy mummy come & see.. i smash the little baby bumble bee... eee.. so slimy.. i lick the little baby bumble bee[x2] mummy mummy come & see.. i smash the little baby bumble bee.. ouch.. stomachache.. i throw up the little baby bumble bee[x2] mommy mommy come & see.. i throw up the little baby bumble bee... eee.. so dirty.. i sweep the little bumble bee[x2] mummy mummy come & see.. i sweep the little baby bumble bee..

our encouraging cheer: go 1C go 1C oh yeah oh yeah..
say it as many times as u want k? haha.. but too bad.. cannot show u the cheer.. haha..
k. tts all.. i really enjoyed the camp.. haha..
Hildans OIE.. "OIE!"
Hildans OIE.."OIE!"
HIldan hildans "sut sut OIE".. yayness!..

Carissaaa.. signing out.. c ya.. !!

Carissa apologises for the long & naggy story.. she also hope u have a great time or maybe a great laugh while reading it.. THANKZ! GOD BLESS..


Friday, February 03, 2006

heys! here to post =).. haha.. fun posting. yupyup.. k.. lets start..
this whole week is CNY week.. hhaa.. so i wont talk about Monday & Tuesday kaez? makiing the post a little shorter..

Wednesday: school.. yay! finally.. joking! hmm... had Art.. my not so fave subject as i hate my art teacher... Mrs Dzul.. say it as Mrs Zoo kae? haha... bad me.. then Chinese.. no chinese lessons as teacher absent =(.. then Mr SHane Kwok aka DM came lah.. then brief us a little on the discipline expected lor.. so sad.. haha.. then do chinese worksheet.. haha.. then hmm.. HISTORY.. most boring subject.. can fall asleep.. & my teacher is sooo what la.. aiya... hate her sia.. like to critisize.. all the teachers there is like critizers![my own word].. then LSS.. haha..
Thursday: same old boring day... Maths.. i forgotten to bring CALCULATOR.. & i wasnt INFORM.. as i was sick the previous wk & had no lessons after that.. haha.. CHinese teacher came.. yup.. we did.. let me think.. orh i know already! we did textbk explainations.. aiya.. she talk till so fast i dont understand.. sighh.. haha.. then next wk gt spelling.. haha..comfirm fail de.. im the kind who fail chinese spelling but suprisingly pass chinese exams.. haha.. next Literature.. haha.. k.. i like my Literature .. he's botak & so funny... yup.. Literature RAWKS! haha..
Friday: had P.E.. finally.. i did it! hahas.. i ran 1min 1sec faster.. cool hor? haha.. alot of ppl improve also.. not bad huh? my class can do it if u say we can do it.. haa.. then later Geography.. fun sia.. k.. then during recess i rushed to buy a drink as i didnt have a single drop of water after P.E.. poor mee.. did canteen duty.. sucky sia... HOW COME THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO EAT DE!!! sighh.. haha.. then later HomeRoom.. my class got lots of secrets.. haha.. k.. then later Chapel Period.. yays! my bro in the band.. haha.. k.. they sang Running After You & ONe Way... my fave songs.. u guys can check it out in my JukeBox.. haha.. its rather cool! hmm.. yup.. then saw FIONA on the way out.. feel so bad after calling her CHilli Padi...

FIONA FIONA FIONA FIONA FIONA.. cannot say CHILLI PADI already.. feel so bad.. im a big baddy.. haha.. after all she's my senorita & my class councillor.. hahas.. k la.. enuff bout her.. she rawk la.. sighh.. i didnt KNOW @ ALL she so fun de.. haha.. k.. NO MORE CHIILI PADI OK?!
tts all. .byebyebyebyebye..


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-Carissa Lee ShuXIan*
band:french horn<3
the playful councillor=)
baby #3!

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Brushes; Various
Designer; Kimberly


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