Friday, January 27, 2006
hmmm... late now.. still staying up when im sick. bad me.. haha ok. whatever...
Monday: we had normal lessons but i felt sleepy & i wanted to sleep but dont dare.. & im not suppose to..
Tuesday: Everything was normal.. LifeSkill programme? whats that.. i heard its for some leadership thingy.. dont know.. haha.. i like my LifeSkill teacher.. he so funny.. hahaaa... no MEE... want mee go canteen.. over here no mee.. haha.. so farnii.. hmm what else.. YES! i went SHOPPPING.. for new year clothes lah.. im sure alot of people was doing that.. haha.. i like my jeans.. so nice.. limited stock.. haha.. cannot find my size... haha.. i like my shirt i like everything lah! haha... so happy got new clothes..
Wednesday: the day where i fall sick.. i went to school as normal.. but i looked sick.. luckily teacher didnt figure out i was sick... cause in school i didnt feel sick... whenever im in school i dont feel sick.. but when it comes to lessons i feel sick except for Literature, CHinese, Maths & Science....
Thursday: was absent from school.. *phew weet*its has been a long long long long long long long long time since i fell sick..
Friday: went to school when im not suppose too bad =).. haha.. k.. the Hildan Superstar so nice.. the 2F person sing till so nice though he's a boy... he can reach high note.. i love the song cause its a christian song n my church sing it! YAY MY CHURCH RAWKZ! haha.. just kidding.. back to the topic.. yup.. the Hildan Superstar/Superband was a great experience for those join! & ITS THE 1ST HILDAN SUPERSTAR.. how fortunate are the Sec1s right? ok.. the teachers performance was funny funny too.. my life skill teacher was like making a fool out of himself.. 1st time i see a teacher making a fool out of himself.. haha.. my lifeskill teacher is a chinese teacher k? chinese teachers are very advance nowadays de.. haha.. speak so pure english de which make them sound not like a chinese teacher.. hahaa.. ok.. then we had class party.. its NOT against the school rules.. the school actually allow it.. surprisingly.. ok.. i didnt eat anything cause IM SICK! thanks to the sickness i have.. okay... then most of the 6/1ers gather so we went back to shps to bai ren.. oops... its to greet the primary sch teachers happy chinese new year.. =).. haha... saw Chilli Padi dont know how many thousand times.. sighhhhhh.. haha.. k.. all the oranges was given out.. good! dont waste.. hahaaa... ok.. then went home.. haha.... -end of story-

i really regretted going back to school today lor.. i was feeling unwell & i went back.. sighh.. then imagine how big is SHPS.. just to find the teachers we walk so many class rooms & the weather was hot.. i almost feel like collasping... thanks to my sickness again urgh!!!! stupid sickness... i really felt horrible sia.. want to faint like that.. its like everything around you is turning around one.. very dizzy.. felt like vomitting too... sighh.. WHY DID I WENT TO SCHOOL?! 1. cause i miss SHSS even though i wasnt there for only 1 day.. 2. its chinese new year eve eve.. & we were going back to SHPS to wish the teachers happy new year... 3. i wasnt happy @ home.. 4. im was BORED @ home... thats my reasons =)... haha.. stupid reasons... whatever the cause is.. i really regretted going back to school... i was feeling hot & cold all the time! oh man... sighh.. okay lah.. end here bah! okay.. hereby wishing you HAPPY WANG YEAR.. oops....

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! does anyone have ang bao for me?????

byebye! ^_^

waiting 4 money to drop.. ; Carissa


Friday, January 20, 2006

my teacher so pian xin.. she see other girls skirt short.. never scold/warn them.. see my skirt above my knee... warn me.. what the hell is this?!!!! just now can see Clarissa skirt so short can see her P.E shorts.. so unfair.. i so damn hate her already!!! damn her... hate her hate her hate her hate her hate her hate her hate her....

she's so unfair.. teachers are unfair!!!!!! except 4 some!!! hehe.. ok.. life been ok.. hard working me... haha... just joking.. hehe... though im been doing my homework.. but i really been slacking in class. was like going to fall asleep in class... ALL THE LESSONS! omg.. its horrible..

hehe.. thats all.. Chilli Padi cute??? NO LA.. she so fierce @ times.. she's still our class chilli padi.. hahhaahaa


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ok.. back for a complain about today... sad.. okay.. toady was the most horrible day for the Secs one as we get the most scolding from the dumb teachers.. i mean like.. what the hell is the toot wrong with them? wah lao.. we are kinddda new still..wait till we are ok still la.. aiyo.. they dont know de... wah lao.. whats this??? anyway.. is you all talk till we want to sleep like that lor! rattle on hen noisy leh wah lao.. ok.. today.. unlucky la.. alot of things never bring.. wells.. not alot.. maths ex bk.. erm.. what else.. dont know la.. who cares anyway!!! chinese new year come already!!! are we going back to SHPS???!!!!! should be la.. but what time? im think that one whole class of 6/1 just go you know.. then we gather @ this placce etc etc.. then go in together.. b4 that buy some oranges... ya.. then we just give give give lor.. yup.. & together in one voice say HAPPY CNY.. ya la.. i think SHPS gt fullday of sch.. thats what i heard.. & Ryan the school end at 12.30... sigh. people update me what time SHPS end school.. hope its a full day la.. hehe... RYAN GROWN TALLER... woots!! feel happy for him.. damn.. gonna catch up with me soon.. im still so short!! i didnt grow nor put on weight.. still 158cm & 48kg.. huraay! but i want to grow taller.. my dream height is 1.7 or 1.69.. sighh.. the boys is going to out grow me.. im gonna be SHORT!.. short short short.. hahaa... damn it..

sighh... i gtg.. still got lots of research & hw to do.. sighhhhh...
im blogging while doing my research,.. hehe..

p.s: oii.. 61ers.. we go together visit the teachers yeah?????

haha.. time please..you want to wait for Ryan or nott?
complaintive Carissa


Sunday, January 15, 2006

back with a proper new post..
ok.. Monday: mmm... what did i do.. i had lessons.. was rather interesting lah.. teachers joking all that.. finally got to meet my 柯老师.. Ms Quah.. CT..
Tuesday: Hari Raya Haji right? erm yup.. dont need to go school obviously.. haha..
Wednesday: luckily got Maths TB selling @ popular.. if not i die lah.. after school.. we had practices for Hildan Torch.. will tell you more later.. yup.. horrible singing by our "famous" Sean Leo.. lol.. prefects/consellors sabotaged us.. made all of ex-SHPSers sing the school hymn & song.. ok. im proud of it.. lol
Thursday: ermm... lessons as usual..
Friday: had HR.. homeroom.. our homeroom was to practice our hildan torch tingy.. oooh.. yup.. lining up.. walking into the hall, assemble @ which class room etc etc.. we stayed till like 1.45pm? 1 hr of practice..crap leh.. haha.. evening.. we went back to school.. wear a dumb tie.. look so horrible in it.. & the weather was hot.. so i was like sweating.. ok.. we waited till 7.30pm.. then everyone was like... is my tie straight? i very nervous leh.. all those kind lah.. & of course there will be chit chatting.. but its whispering lah.. then when we start walking in. .we were like..relax.. follow the teacher speed.. haha... then after ceromony.. we LIGHTED THE HILDAN TORCH... soo cooll.. i love my torch.. all the torches was specially designed by our Sec2 consellors & art club members.. very nice.. next time take photo of it.. then show you.. the powerpoint was also very funny & interesting.. i really enjoyed my self.. so call la...

& great! i got to decorate my bi ji ben.. i know what i want to do already lah.. but then i dont know how to write the description.. or why i choose these theme... its rather for a competition la.. yup
thats should be all. .bye bye..


Thursday, January 12, 2006

hmmmm.... help me find out this word means.. yea... & the hanyu pinyin


Monday, January 09, 2006

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Friday, January 06, 2006

hmm.. a brand new week with a brand new start with a brand new uniform with a brand new school with a brand new rules with a brand new books with a brand new stationary & most of all a brand new place with teachers.. sigh.. so many brand new things.. hahahaha.. lets start with Monday: nothing better to do.. pack books play as much computer time.. actually nothing much to pack lah..
Tuesday: start school.. hmm.. wasnt that bad till i met my "beloved" form teacher.. *puke* hehe.. her name is... Ms Felicia Tan.. xiong xiong de.. hao xiang xiong.. hehe.. guess what xiong im talking about.. than it was ORIENTATION WEEK!! no lessons for a pathetic week!!!!.. sigh.. give us another week of orientation leh.. then we went hall several times.. quite irritating.. had inter class games.. erm.. discipline talks.. yup yup.. hehe.. erm.. tour around the school.. 1 of the prefects very fun... hehe..
Wednesday: went hall again.. sigh.. hehe.. then had CCA talks.. soo boring.. sigh.. home room.. etc etc..
THursday: went to the old hildan ground aka St.Hilda's old ground.. something like that.. so fun.. haha.. met the same funny prefects.. hmm.. yup.. then we played games.. & 1C ruled all the way!! yayayayayayay!!! haha.. we did the best soo far.. hahahaha.. had fun lah...
Friday: hmmm.. had lessons.. haha.. 1st lesson!!!! yeah! finally.. haha.. only geography, Science, maths, history... home room. & we went hall to do cheers!!! soo ok.. haha.. not really that nice lah.. cause the previous day we went to scream & cheer our lungs out cause we won.. haha.. so no voice lor.. sigh.. if not we win lor! anyway who cares! haha.. just a game... & after school.. we went to go into SHPS.. for fun lah.. since we miss it & its next door too.. haha.. ok.. surprisingly the teachers remember us... except for some[just joking] bu ren de wo men le.. sigh.. hahaahahaha... & we went back to SHSS to get ready for our CCA thingy lah

hmmm... let me comment on ShSs.. haha.. ok.. its a school with lots of Shpsers people.. lots of fun fun prefects.. alot of fierce teachers..*roar* detention will be fun in the air con room facing the wall for half an hour.. i havent try & i dont wish to try.. hahahaha... ok..

got to go.. hmm.. second week will be horrid & the weeks later.. sigh.. so much events coming up.. wah diaoz..
see you guys.. & cannot wait for CNY.. its gonna be great! i think.. hahahaha...

Bye Bye...
Carissa Lee


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