Saturday, December 31, 2005

--> my current phone which is officially spoilt?! Sony Ericsson K500i

--> my dream handphone.. Samsung D600

can anyone get me a new handphone?!!! sigh sigh.. just posted this for fun =))


heyheyhey!! haha okay... know its rather late.. anyway.. here's my simple simple simple simple post.. hahahaha.. Monday:played computer.. actually more of lazing around.. watching tv etc etc.. Tuesday: same as Monday.. Wednesday: same thing.. okay.. Thursday: Went to buy books.. its expensive.. boo hoo hoo. anyway.. then later went to try on the uniform.. hmm.. i like the P.E shirt.. very cool.. hahahha.... then after that went home.. then write name on my books.. some how.. my maths textbook is gone. how??? it should be around the house.. but I DONT KNOW! i really really dont know.. i though i carried it up to my table.. and when i was sorting out the books this belong where that belong where.. i realise my maths book is gone =((.. so dao mei.. sad lah.. looks like i got to save my sunday allowance & most likely my tuesday allowance lah.. to spend on the books.. anyway like my sister said.. first day of school dont need to bring anything.. dont know if its true or not.. sad. so Monday most probably can buy again.. boo hoo hoo.. if not enough just borrow... hahahahahahhahahaha... okay.. Friday: omg! i been shocked! when i was checking my books, like finding my maths book, i saw that the dumb popular person[in SHSS bookshop is popular=))].. gave me EXPRESS!!!! and i just realise it! how blur am i.. and i have written my name on it!.. such a "sontong" i just saw the word express... EXPRESS.. im in Normal Academic aka NA what this.. im being pissed off by my dumb books! i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate my school books!.. stupid sia... wah lau.. & my blog another one.. its all in CHINESE!!!!!! wth... my gmail too!!! wah lau.. im soo pissed off.. this computer sucks... time to change! hmm maybe not.. cause my father is getting SCV & a laptop & repair my computer =)).. wells.. not really mine.. but its like im the only one using.. haha.. yes yes yes! im soo happy.. papa getting SCV cause of SOCCER.. all the nice nice matches coming up.. European etc etc i guess.. i dont think i will be spending much time with my computer!!!! haha... im sooo happy.. haha.. cause im gonna be a tv addict!!! yes yes yes!!!! i want to watch the interesting chinese channels.. they rocks! and not forgetting the cartoon channel & i think my parents only subscribing for 2weeks..so sad.. cause we are becoming more matured & left with one child..all teenagers ma.. me my older sister and older brother are teenagers except my sister.. hehe.. she's an young adult.. & my youngest brother is a Primary school kid.. so not really need cartoons.. ok.. at least have the chinese channels.. hahahahahahah... anyway.. i cant wait for the new year which is tomorrow??? yes yes yes! aiya... will miss the 2005.. but im still missing 2004.. boo hoo hoo.. got alot of regrets leh! never study hard.. all that lor.. sad sad sad.. anyway.. never mind lah.. still get the chance to study.. got to go bye bye!!!

from an angry/happy/sad/regretting Carissa Lee...
posted on: 31stDecember 2005
& im writing this cause blogspot give wrong time
p.s: actually nothing to write de.. so let you know a little about my 2006.. i mean like those planned already lah.. okay.. im still pissed off


Sunday, December 25, 2005

merry christmas everyone!!! okay.. i promise Estella that we speak no short form this week till school reopens.. so i try to write no short forms...
today.. went to visit my nanny.. yay!! i never visit her for a long time[ bad me] she soo sweet.. haha.. miss her.. okay.. then she say i look better than before.. haha.. and im looking more like my sister.. and my sister looks like my mother.. so you know lah.. haha.. yup.. it was great to see them.. haha.. short post for now. and i change my blogskin.. nice?? haha.. i like it lah.. haha.. friends to me are IMPORTANT.. haha..

see you guys for now!! and can you wait for school?? im excited!! haha...
bye bye

Image hosted by Photobucket.com --> me as a baby..

Image hosted by Photobucket.com-->see your name inside? if you dont and you like me as a friend.. TELL ME!!


Friday, December 23, 2005

hey!!! haha.. anyway.. wad wad wad wad happen tis wk wk wk??? Monday: sheesh.. i kindda 4got sum.. ok.. @ nite went to my Aunt's hse to eat eat eat.. haha.. Tuesday: shessh.. 4gotten.. Wenesday: hmm.. stayed @ home... thursday: went to sch to collect sch posting results.. HURAAY!! went to St.Hilda's.. my 1st choice.. i tink i wil haf fun dere.. those of my fwenz[majority] went to St.Hilda's was like.. yes! we went into St.HIlda's hope to b same class wif u etc etc.. by den i knew cnt go same class wif them lor! so sad.. nvm.. haha.. den went to Eastpoint wif Sharon, Sean,Ryan,Samuel.. eat BK.. its like every1 was stuffin themselves.. includin me.. BK too filling oreadi.. i cnt stand it.. it was like upsized when i din upsized... hahaha.. den went to lans[hw to spell].. anw it is erm INternet cafe? yes... den see we cnt go in coz we in sch uniform mah... den go to buy a t-shirt.. it says in eng[coz its chinese.n u noe my chinese like so crazy rite?] : in this world, there's no strangers.. sumting liddat la.. i dunno.. haha.. den buy oreadi go arcade.. yay!! haha.. spend a ton ton ton ton ton ton on it.. haha.. i like Daytona[hw to spell?] its a car game.. finali i beat sharon in sumting!!!!! other den studies.. haha.. sharon u verli nt bad in d game leh.. but den arh.. dun keep on bangin leh.. next time i train u.. hahahaha.. jk jk.. wah.. less den an hr $$ spend oreadi.. coz d games was like rating frm 55c n above... so expensive.. lor.. haha. den aft dat.. went to Popular to buy sumting/meet sum1.. both oso da same la.. anyway.. so much VCDs to see.. u noe wad.. tis Rain d concert.. he look fat..[sry Rain fans..] but he reali look fat.. it was gro-se.. we been gro-se out.. den ltr went back to arcade.. wah lau.. den Sean lucky lucky go find hp lor... haha.. verli nice shoik. haha.. anyway.. nvm..im gonna get 1 new hp i hope.. friday: went to report to sch.. @ 8.30AM!!! so early.. sad sad sad.. den i 4gotten to bring Report bk gotto go back n take.. sian la.. den went back to sch.. short queue.. yes! haha.. verli fast.. den ltr go to HuiLin hse.. oooh.. den me Huilin n Amanda Ong went to play Game Of Life.. den ltr we go play d keyboard.. d choir ooh/ahhs so funny.. like we singin lor.. haha.. ok went home. but i went to buy stamps.. i was in a hurry lor... haha.. den went home.. paste d stamps den send out d letters.. haha.. Sally nvr tell address.. if nt wo zhao jiu send.. haizz.. nvm.. send to her ecard/msg enuff liao..

aiya. miss Ryan oreadi..he went to another sch which is btr den St.Hilda's[i guess].. Dunman Sec.. gd ritee? nt bad la.. haizz.. guys im in Normal Technical Academic[dunno hw to spell].. hehe.. aiya.. but in d 2nd/1st best class. btr den nth.. n i dun believe tis.. sum 6/7ers went to SHSS.. but best class la.. haha.. ending off here.. nth much oreadi...

sch starting soon.. huraay!!! dunnid to stay @ home feeling bored.. cnt wait 4 sch to start sia.. but den i scare my f.teacher verli fierce leh.. n chinese teacher.. ltr nt fun oreadi.. haha.. gtg bye bye bye bye... gonna go shopping soon..[dunno when] sigh.. cnt wait to get new clothes n christmas present.. wad shud i get 4 my uncle hu oways give us christmas presents?? suggestions?? tag my blog!!!!

n im gonna refresh my blog.. every post will b gone except tis 1.. n i wil nt refresh my tag board.. NEVER!! haha.. seriously.. gtg.. bye bye

written by: Carissa Lee Shu Xian
written on: 23rd Nov 2005 11.47pm...
signin off @: 11.47pm.. nitez


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-Carissa Lee ShuXIan*
band:french horn<3
the playful councillor=)
baby #3!

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